We have a new coffee coming soon.

This wet processed coffee is sweet and delicious! The notes are reminiscent of a freshly baked oatmeal raisin cookie. We are now offering this Guatemala coffee in our store, with whole bean and ground options. Watch for more new flavors as we continue to cup some new beans from around the world.

This coffee is from Aurelio Villatoro, he and his family have erected a few wet mill sites in their local communities. This lot is from his newest mill in El Injerto, "Punta del Cerro", which is managed by him and his brother Aler. These coffee beans have some of the best qualities the farm has to offer. Situated in a valley between two steep mountainsides, it provides a perfect topography for growing coffee and hosts ideal shade provision from the surrounding natural forest. In this area, coffee tops out about 1750 meters due to the colder climate here.